Wednesday, January 19, 2011


How often do I forget this?

Getting anything down on the paper is better than getting nothing down. Those few pitiful words are the scaffolding for what will come.

Just write them down.
Just do it.

And maybe you will win an award like our great friend, Evan Lewis. Congrats to him on the Robert L. Fish award for his story in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.


David Cranmer said...

That story was one of the very best of last year and I couldn't be happier for Evan.

Evan Lewis said...

Thanks folks!

Anonymous said...

I saw that today. Congratulations! Another former DAPA-EMmer makes good.

Jeff M.

SteveHL said...

I read the story when it came out and liked it a lot, but never realized that "Evan Lewis" was the same Evan Lewis who posts on FFB ever week. Congratulaions!

C. Margery Kempe said...

It's sad how much comfort we sometimes have to take in that bare sentence or two. Sigh.

[Word verification: "beast" -- I think my WIP is taunting me]